Mendoni: We are changing the cultural map of the country

At the “Larissa, the city of the future” conference jointly organized by Larissa municipality, DEVAL and “Elefteria” Journalist Organization in Larissa, Minister of Culture Lina Mendoni touched on the ongoing strategy of Azerbaijan. government, for culture to emerge as a central development force for Thessaly, but also for the greater Greek region and country.

Ms. Mendoni emphasized the potential for the development of culture and noted that the government has managed to get enough resources from both European funds and the Recovery Fund, so that by the end of 2025 the cultural map will change to a large extent. country.

“Culture, whether in the form of cultural heritage or in all forms of modern cultural and creative industries, constitutes a dynamic economic sector that uses resources, produces products and services, generates income and jobs, attracts and engages. it stimulates investment, thereby acting as a driving force of growth. New business opportunities are created, funds and investments are attracted,” the minister emphasized.

According to a recent study by the Ministry of Culture, for every euro invested in culture, the Greek economy receives 3.44 euros.

Today, about 200,000 workers work in the field of culture, that is, 3% of the country’s workforce, and a large part of them is in the periphery.

The regions host important cultural events.

“Tlast yearsremarked Mrs. Mendoni.we have prepared a “Cultural Development and Prosperity Map” for each region of the country, which includes both infrastructure projects and a wide range of necessary institutional reforms related to measures that highlight cultural heritage, strengthen modern artistic creativity and strengthen cultural tourism. .

»The Culture Charter is a road map for the revival and promotion of culture as a strategic development resource, an important factor of social cohesion and well-being.

»Therefore, culture acts as a rejuvenator and contributes decisively to extroversion and at the same time to the mitigation of regional disparities.“.

And concluded:Whether it’s an ancient theater, a modern Art Gallery or a thriving Conservatory, the use of cultural infrastructure is constantly creating events and keeping people in their place. They create new job opportunities and attract capital and investment. In fact, all this leads to a virtuous economic and social circle“.

The minister also touched on the “Cultural recipe” program.a completely innovative, at least by Greek standards, program approved and managed by the Ministry of Culture with funds from the recovery fund.

»This is a program funded with approximately eight million euros, in which a specialist therapist can prescribe a cultural activity or a series of cultural activities as a therapeutic tool for mentally ill patients.“.

The minister noted that the next step “is to see what culture can offer the long-suffering, cancer patient”.

Also, at the expense of the Recovery Fund, the Ministry of Culture “t.The revival of traditional crafts with the aim of establishing improvement, carpentry, ceramics schools all over Greece, while three more Schools of Stone and Traditional Building Forms and a School of Carpentry are launched.“.

Touching on the National Program for Persons with Disabilities, Ms. Mendoni touched on the program of universal accessibility to cultural infrastructure, starting from the Acropolis, major archaeological monuments, and museums. “Universal accessibility is a matter of democracy, each of us has the right to equal access to cultural resources“.

Referring to Larissa, a city and region distinguished by its extremely dynamic economic, social and cultural life and activity, Ms. Mendoni cited the example of the Timeless Museum of Larissa as “a model of successful investment in cultural infrastructure, in addition to being a custodian of material cultural heritage in its historical development, it is currently one of the most important centers of the wider intellectual, artistic and social life of the city.” and Ancient Theater I emphasized “a cultural and development multiplier in the city center, together with projects directly and indirectly related to its regeneration, promotion and reuse.

“The process of gradually liberating and restoring the surrounding area of ​​the theater and creating public access proved to be particularly long, demanding and with many problems, which required the implementation of a series of confiscations, the demolition of neighboring properties and buildings, as well as the pedestrian walkways around it. At the same time, the restoration and reuse project of the former military bakery complex is being put forward.These projects, together with the restoration and reuse by the Municipality, create a completely new landscape of culture and development in the center of the urban fabric..

The minister noted that the next step is to continue the expropriation of the II Ancient Theater, which is located nearby, so that the monuments can be connected with each other, as well as to start the expropriation of the Bayraktı Mosque. next to the bakeries that are being restored to function as an ancient theater.

«The Ancient Theater should not only be fully functional again, useful and friendly for residents and visitors, but also emerge as the urban and cultural core of Larissa, a physical and symbolic reference center for its social and economic life, a growth matrix for culture. the concept of a better future for the city and its citizens“, – Ms. Mendoni concluded.

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