Brescia quadruples the installation of photovoltaic panels

Photovoltaics goes live in Brescia. The eighth edition of the “Photovoltaic Barometer” by the Varese company Elmec Solar, which deals with the installation and maintenance of the panels, produced numbers that exceeded expectations. In fact, in March 2024, 1,684,316 systems were installed in Italy, which is 27% more than the previous year (+360,198). Together with … Read more

Heat wave: Sunday was the hottest day in the history of the planet

The planet recorded the hottest day in its history, as did many of its territories Mediterrian sea faces an extreme fire hazard. According to provisional data from the agency, the hottest average temperature on Earth was recorded on Sunday, breaking the previous record set a year ago. Climate change Copernicus of the European Union. Global … Read more

Swimming pools as indicators of excessive water consumption and overtourism

Water shortage hits in the middle of summer More and more regions of Greece – Aegean islands in their own right – some insist on using hundreds of cubic meters of water to fill large pools. Of course, the lack of water is a “privilege” not only of islands, but also of continental areas. now … Read more

The salt of the sea “absorbs” fresh water

The phenomenon Their beaches have been experiencing problems with salt water for years Halkidiki. What is the phenomenon of boiling or boiling? As mentioned in the RES, salinization is a phenomenon related to the over-pumping of water in coastal areas to meet the needs of agriculture, but to a lesser extent tourism and residential development. … Read more

Green light for land reclamation around Casa del Parco

Technically, this is defined as “replacement” intervention. In practice, this means that the Municipality takes control of the situation by advancing funds to be reimbursed by the person selling the land in those circumstances to eliminate environmental liabilities for which previous users of the land are responsible. The good news for the Loggia coffers is … Read more

Extreme heat: The Mediterranean is on fire

Greece a hot weekend, extreme heat is experienced in the rest of the Mediterranean countries. In addition, very high temperatures can no longer be considered extreme weather conditions because they tend to acquire the character of regularity. Italy: “Red” in 14 cities Italian media are calling the heatwave the “African Heatwave” because warm air masses … Read more