Dogs can smell people’s stress and become more pessimistic

Dogs can distinguish stress from human scent, affecting their cognitive function. Dogs are influenced by the smell of people stress leading them to make more pessimistic choices, according to research from the University of Bristol’s Veterinary School published in the journal Scientific Reports”. Scientists studied 18 groups of dog owners by conducting a series of … Read more

Increases aggression, domestic violence and suicidal tendencies

Climate change studies show that extreme heat and heat can affect mental health. Explores new research effect on the human species from stretching heat wave and the increase in temperature on the planet, reveals shocking information about aggravation from mental health problems. In addition to the potentially serious effects on physical health, the extreme heat … Read more

Why laughter and humor are the best medicine

The old cliché “Laughter is the best medicine” seems to hold true, inspiring endless initiatives. The old cliché “Laughter is the best medicine” seems to be true and has inspired countless initiatives to improve people’s lives, including laughter yoga or laughter therapy clubs! Laughter yoga is based on the belief that purposeful laughter provides the … Read more

The first phase of the program ended with great success

The National Theatre: Theater and Therapy program includes free theater and drama therapy workshops at the National Theater and is aimed at people with mental health problems. The first phase of the first program called “National Theatre: Theater and Therapy” was carried out with great success during the first three months of its implementation. The … Read more

New research shows that exercise is the number 1 “medicine”.

A study of 9,000 participants examined the effects of three coping strategies for stress, exercise, contact with family, and meditation. Anxiety has been described as a “pandemic” of modern times. 30% of US adults “struggle” every day stress According to the US National Institute of Mental Health. Anxiety symptoms include excessive worry, constant pressure and … Read more

How to stop buying things you don’t need

Compulsive shopping disorder (or oniomania) affects about 5-8% of the population. If you often find yourself making purchases that you don’t really need or that you later regret but can’t stop, you’re not alone. Compulsive shopping disorder or oniomania According to a University of Iowa study (from the ancient Greek verb oneomai, meaning to receive), … Read more

When is it easier to stop?

What New Research Is Helping People Get Off Antidepressants Easier Almost 50% of people taking long-term antidepressants could stop taking them if they had a doctor’s support and access to internet or telephone helplines, according to a new study. According to the scientists, more than 40% of the people in the study who were doing … Read more