Benefits of summer’s favorite fruit

How many calories and how much water they provide. What nutrients differ in each type. How to choose them.

Cantaloupe and watermelon are packed with flavor and valuable nutrients, making them the perfect snack or light meal for hot summer days.

Both are naturally low in calories, fat and sodium (salt). On the contrary, they are rich in valuable nutrients. they celebrate Medical West Hospital specialists of the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB).

According to the food database FoodData Central of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), For 100 grams of watermelon Provides:

  • 91.4 grams of water
  • 30 calories
  • 7.5 gr. carbohydrates
  • 0.4 gr. fiber
  • 6.2 gr. sugars

Accordingly, per 100 grams Melon provides (prices may vary slightly depending on the type):

  • 90.2 grams of water
  • 34 calories
  • 8.16 gr. carbohydrates
  • 0.9 g of fiber
  • 7.8 gr. sugars

Vitamins and trace elements

Depending on the type, these fruits contain various vitamins and trace elements. These include vitamins A, C and B6, which boost immunity, vision and energy. They also contain potassium, which is important for healthy blood pressure and muscle function.

Each of them, of course, has its own, unique nutritional value. The watermelon for example, also contains lycopene (or lycopene). It is an antioxidant that reduces the risk of cancer and heart disease. It is also rich in potassium.

The melon It is especially rich in vitamin A, which provides strong antioxidant properties. This vitamin is essential for healthy vision and skin.

According to, honeydew melon (also known as honeydew melon) It is an excellent source of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system. The melon while it contains vitamin C and potassium Drive Crenshaw It is rich in vitamin C, potassium, iron and calcium.

How to choose them

To choose a good melon or watermelon, first make sure that it is difficult. It should not have soft spots, pits and bumps. It is also important that it has a sweet smell. This is a characteristic sign that it is ripe.

On the other hand, when you tap gently with your fingers, you should hear a hollow sound.

Also, do not forget that it is ripe melons and watermelons are heavy for their size. If they feel light, they don’t have enough juice, so they’re not ripe enough.

If they have a light yellow mark that is slightly flat on one side (that’s where they touch the ground before harvest) that’s an extra good indicator of ripeness.

Conversely, if they still have stalks, they were harvested too early from the field. In ripe melons, this is easily removed.

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