Salt: Signs you’re consuming too much

Salt is used by all of us every day the kitchen it gives flavor to our food.

Our favorite spice contains about 60% chlorine and 40% sodium, which are essential for our body.

Sodium is necessary for our nerves and muscles for us to function optimally. Together with chlorine, it helps our body maintain the correct balance of water and minerals.

However, we know very well that consuming too much salt can harm our health, as it causes high blood pressure and increases the risk of heart disease and stroke.

The risk of stomach cancer also increases. Yes, according to research People who consume a lot of salt seem to be twice as likely to get stomach cancer.

How much salt needed for We are eating daily

According to the World Health Organization we should not consume more than 2000 mg of salt daily, that is, about 5 g.

However, it is quite difficult to control its consumption, especially with the hidden salt found in processed foods.

But what you can do is spot the signs that you’re probably consuming too much and it’s time to be more conscious of your consumption.

The symptoms where revealed more than enough consumption salt

You are swollen

If you feel overwhelmed inflation if you feel swelling, especially in the abdomen or in your fingers and toes, it may mean that you are consuming too much salt, which is disrupting the fluid balance in your body.

When there is too much sodium, the body retains water, thus causing the tissues to swell.

You are very thirsty

After a meal full of salt, you may feel the need to drink a lot of water, and there is a very specific reason for this.

Excessive sodium intake removes water from your cells, creating a greater need for water intake.

Drinking water can help neutralize sodium by correcting the sodium-to-water ratio. As a natural consequence, you will have to go to the toilet more often.

Your blood pressure is high

A meal high in salt can also cause more blood to flow through your blood vessels and arteries.

This can cause a temporary increase in blood pressure.

However, it should be noted that some people are more resistant to salt and some are more sensitive, it depends on each person’s genes and hormones, and not all may show blood pressure.

You have a headache

Excessive salt intake can even cause headaches as a result of increased blood pressure.

Increased sodium levels in the bloodstream can cause blood vessels to narrow and dilate irregularly. headaches or migraine.

If you have frequent headaches, especially after eating salty foods, it’s worth considering reducing your salt intake to see if your symptoms improve.

You feel tired

Electrolytes such as sodium and potassium play an important role in regulating fluid balance, nerve function, and muscle contractions.

When sodium levels are too high, this balance can be disrupted, which can cause you to feel exhausted and without energy.

The number on the scale increased

If the number on your scale has suddenly increased, then salt may be the culprit. This is due to growth storage water produced by the body as a result of excessive salt consumption.

Easy ones ways for reduce his consumption salt

If you have any of the above symptoms or just want to be careful with your diet, then the following tips will be helpful for you.

  1. Reduce the salt while cooking.
  2. Choose to add spices to your food while cooking to give it an extra flavor intensity without using salt.
  3. Opt for fresh/less processed foods.
  4. Choose products with low sodium (less than 120 mg/100 g of sodium).
  5. Limit sauces in your meals.

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