Meeting at Mircievski Street 29: Coldplay invites Athenians to shoot their new music video

After two concerts in OAKA attended by more than 120,000 people and writing their chapter in the book of major musical events in Greece, the famous Coldplay stayed in Athens: on Monday afternoon they were going to return to Herodeion. SKAI, music video for their new song.

In fact, the members of the British band invited their fans to go and participate in the shooting of the music video in their posts, at 29 Mirchievski Street, Dora Stratou Park, Filopappos Hill, from 5 o’clock. to 11 a.m. and special instructions: T-shirts with logos and certainly no other bands, flat comfortable shoes with soft heels.

The Instagram post reads: “Invitation to make a video, dear friends in Athens! We invite you to appear in our clip. Today, Monday, June 10. With us. 29 Mirtsiefski Street, Athina 117 41, come from 17:00 to 23:00.

Wear whatever you want. Please no white clothing and no logos or ribbons. Only flat, comfortable shoes with soft soles are allowed. Small bags are allowed. Cameras and mobile phones will be securely stored by our security in a dedicated area and returned to you at the end. Most importantly, we want to see you there!’

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