Which foods reduce the risk of developing by 28%

They are rich in flavonoids – phytochemicals that are naturally present in many fruits and vegetables.

British scientists report that eating foods rich in flavonoids can significantly reduce the risk of developing diabetes.

In their study, they found that those who consume daily foods such as tea and apples can reduce this risk by up to 28%.

Flavonoids are phytochemicals found naturally in fruits and vegetables. Studies have shown that they have anti-cancer, antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

There is six main types of flavonoids, differs according to its biological activity and the way it is metabolized in the body. These types are:

  1. Flavanones
  2. Flavones
  3. Flavan-3-ols
  4. Flavonols
  5. Anthocyanins
  6. Isoflavones

There is scientific evidence that the increased consumption of these substances leads to an improvement in the sensitivity of cells to insulin. This effect may explain why those who take them in adequate amounts are less likely to develop diabetes.

New research Published in the medical journal Nutrition & Diabetes . It examined the relationship between flavonoid consumption and the development of type 2 diabetes in 113,097 volunteers.

Volunteers filled out detailed dietary questionnaires twice to assess how much flavonoids the researchers consumed. Depending on their consumption, each volunteer received a point.

What did they eat?

The were foods containing flavonoids black and green tea, red wine, apples, berries, grapes, oranges, grapefruit, sweet potatoes, onions and dark chocolate.

During the 12-year follow-up, 2628 volunteers were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Those who consumed the most flavonoids (an average of 6 servings per day) were 26% less likely to be diagnosed with diabetes.

Each additional serving of flavonoid-rich foods reduces the risk by 6%. Four servings of black or green tea a day reduces tea by 21%. A serving of berries reduced it by 15%. And part of the apple 12%.

Flavonoids also had a positive effect on the liver and kidney function of the volunteers.

The researchers say these findings support the recommendation to increase fruit and vegetable consumption to prevent diabetes.

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