What peanut butter offers from infancy

Study results in adolescent children that researchers have followed since infancy.

Children who eat soft peanut butter or other smooth peanut products from infancy to preschool age have a reduced risk of developing peanut allergies, British scientists report.

In their research, they found that the risk of this allergy can be reduced by 71% in children who regularly use such products from 4-6 months to 5 years.

Researchers speculate that this simple intervention may Preventing up to 100,000 incidents peanut allergy in

Researchers say parents are hesitant to give their children peanut products at such a young age because for decades the standard medical advice was to avoid them.

However, recent scientific data show that this recommendation is wrong. In contrast, early exposure to peanuts provides strong protection against allergy.

«I advise parents to give peanut products to 4-month-old babies if they have eczema on their skin. If not, they can start at 6 months“, he told the Guardian supervising researcher Dr. Lack of Gideon, Professor of Pediatric Allergology at King’s College London (KCL). Babies with eczema are more likely to develop a peanut allergy.

KCL scientists advise parents give young children only peanut butter, peanut butter, or ground peanuts. Whole and chopped peanuts should be avoided under the age of 5 due to choking hazard.

New research

New findings Published in the medical journal NEJM Evidence. They are based on a study called Leap-Trio. It started 15 years ago and included 640 children at high risk of peanut allergy. Half ate peanut butter or a similar product from 4 months to 5 years, the rest did not.

The preliminary results of the study showed How is the risk of developing a peanut allergy Up to 5 years old decreased by 81% in infants who ate these products.

In the new study, scientists followed 508 children Until the age of 13. As they found:

  • 15% of children who avoided peanuts in the first years of their lives eventually developed an allergy to them.
  • Only 4% of children who ate peanut butter or other products from an early age developed an allergy.
  • This difference means a 71% reduction in risk
  • After 5 years, consumption did not play a role

«I’m excited that the defense continues into adolescence“, emphasized Dr. Yokhlug. He also explained that even if a baby does develop a peanut butter allergy, it’s best if it happens early when it’s easier to treat.

«When children are 7 months old or older, prevention options disappearme,” he said. “After this age, children with allergies can be detected early and given immunotherapy“.

How much do they need?

Researchers say peanut butter or peanut butter can be given to breastfed babies while they are eating solids. Aim for one teaspoon three times a week. Alternatively, they can be given cereal paste with peanuts.

Whatever is chosen should ALWAYS be administered in conjunction with their pediatrician.

It is estimated that up to 3% of children in the West are allergic to peanuts. This allergy is the main cause of anaphylaxis. It develops early in life and rarely develops as patients age.

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