Hottest May – “The Planet Is Trying To Tell Us Something”

THE May 2024 According to the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), this is the 12th consecutive month in which the average global temperature has reached a record high for the corresponding month.

The figures come as the UN Secretary-General calls for urgent action as two new reports detailing aspects of climate change are published.

The global average temperature for May 2024 was 0.65°C above the 1991-2020 average and 1.52°C above the pre-industrial 1850-1900 average, the 11th consecutive year is the month (since July 2023) on which the global average temperature is reached or exceeded. 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.

Reflecting a sequence of record monthly temperatures, the global average temperature for the past 12 months (June 2023 to May 2024) is the warmest ever recorded, 0.75°C above the 1991-2020 average and 1,850 -1.63°C above the 1900s. Average according to C3S data.

Serious warning

C3S data are from the latest World Meteorological Organization Global Climate Update (WMO), which is a stark warning that we are getting closer to the limits set by the Paris Agreement on climate change.

According to the report, for each year between 2024 and 2028, global average temperatures near the planet’s surface are projected to be between 1.1°C and 1.9°C higher than the 1850-1900 baseline.

In a report released at the same time as the UN Secretary General’s address Antonio Guterresfor more ambitious climate action, it says there is an 80% chance of at least one year temporarily exceeding 1.5°C between 2024 and 2028, and a 47% chance of average global temperature for the entire five-year period to 2024. 2028 will be more than 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.

“For the last year, the temperature has been rising every passing day.

“The planet is trying to tell us something.

“But it seems we don’t listen to him.

“We are breaking global temperature records and experiencing the consequences.

“It is a time of climate crisis.

“Now is the time to mobilize, act and deliver results,” Mr Guterres said.

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