Cholesterol: Which Legumes Can Lower It

Despite its small size, lentils are known for their high nutritional value. Now, a new scientific study shows that they may benefit the health of people at risk of developing metabolic diseases, including lowering cholesterol.

THE research A study published in the journal Nutrients found associations between daily lentil consumption over 12 weeks and lower LDL (“bad”) and total cholesterol, postprandial blood sugar levels, and measures of inflammation in people with a larger waist circumference and high postprandial triglycerides. levels.

High levels of cholesterol, blood sugar and inflammation play a key role in the development of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and other chronic diseases.

“These findings help us develop new ones feeder Legume-based strategies to reduce disease risk, slow or reverse the progression of metabolic diseases in populations at increased risk,” say the researchers behind the study.

In addition to lentils, legumes include other edible dry legumes such as beans, dry peas, and chickpeas.

Lentils for lunch and less cholesterol

While other studies have previously examined the health effects of lentils, the researchers noted that few studies have focused on how lentils affect markers of metabolic health.

To fill this gap, researchers designed a 12-week trial comparing the effects of lentil-based meals. meat in metabolic outcomes.

The researchers gave half of the participants seven prepared lunches containing about a quarter cup of lentils. The rest of the participants ate similar meals with turkey or chicken instead of lentils.

Participants also took blood tests and answered questionnaires about their eating habits and health status.

The research team, which found that lentil eaters had lower metabolic health indicators, also found that lentil eaters did not experience more gastrointestinal problems. Participants in both groups reported either no or mild symptoms.

“Our findings suggest that daily consumption of lentils may be beneficial in reducing cholesterol and postprandial glycemic and inflammatory responses without causing gastrointestinal stress,” the researchers said.

However, these changes may also be due to the low sodium and refined carbohydrate content.

Why is metabolic health a priority?

Researchers have several hypotheses as to why lentils favor metabolic health.

“When it comes to blood sugar control, the fermented fiber they contain interacts gut microbes to produce short-chain fatty acids that help improve insulin sensitivity. At the same time, dietary fiber slows down the absorption of sugar,” they explain.

“Therefore, a person who eats lentils at lunch will continue to have better blood sugar control until dinner,” they report.

When it comes to cholesterol, soluble fiber proved Researchers conclude that they lower levels by “limiting cholesterol absorption.”

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