British Museum: Looking forward to real solutions for the Parthenon sculptures

The first response of the British Museum after the “official confirmation” that the Turkish side did not have a document legalizing the “buying” of the statues – what does Lina Mendoni say?

Because… real solutions are now British Museum Referring to the Parthenon statues, after the Turkish side “officially” confirmed that there was no document legalizing the “acquisition” of the statues.

It is noted that Head of the Antiquities Administration of Turkeyespecially confirmed that the Greek side has been supporting for years, ie He is unaware of the existence of a document that legalizes the purchase of the Parthenon statues. The reason for this Ottoman document As part of the story of the removal of the statues cited by Britain for the purchase of the Parthenon statues by Lord Elgin in 1816. it is reminded that According to the British Museum, the Parthenon statues were legally purchased on the basis of an Ottoman farm.…

After this development came and First response from the British Museum.  He told SKAI:

«The British Museum accepts Greece’s strong request to return London’s Parthenon sculptures to Athens. This is an issue with a very long history and we understand and respect the strong emotions that this discussion requires”.

And he continued:In the hope that the understanding of the Parthenon sculptures will deepen and continue to inspire people around the world, we want to develop a new relationship with Greece – the Partnership for the Parthenon – and explore innovative ways of working with our Greek friends. . nation”.

«The British Museum has been looking after the Parthenon sculptures for over two centuries, and a deep investment in the sculptures is something we share with our Greek partners. We hope that this can form the basis for a new relationship for both of them real solutions we look forward to it.”

Mendoni: Turkey confirmed the absence of the farm

from the side Minister of Culture Lina MendoniResponding to a relevant question from ERT regarding the developments regarding the Parthenon Statues, he said:

“On Friday night, the work of UNESCO’s special intergovernmental committee on the return of illegally exported cultural goods to their countries of origin was completed.”

“As it is known for the last 40 years, one of the constant topics of the agenda is related to the Parthenon statues. And this time, the committee came up with a recommendation calling on the two sides, the British and the Greeks, to resolve this decades-old problem.Ms. Mendoni emphasized and added:

“Greece is always open to dialogue. He worked and will work to make the great national goal of meeting the national demand for the reunification of the Parthenon statues in Athens into the Acropolis museum a reality.”

«One of the highlights of the session was the discussion around Elgin’s famous – in quotes – “firm”. I have put this in quotation marks because it is an argument from the British side and has been proven not to be true. There was never an Ottoman farm that allowed Elgin to treat the Parthenon statues with the same ferocity. At the meeting, the representative of Turkey confirmed that the Greek side has been supporting it for years. That there was no farm”, – concluded the Minister of Culture.

Turkey: There is no document legalizing the purchase of Parthenon statues

«We are not aware of the existence of any document legitimizing the purchase of the Parthenon statues by Lord Elgin.”, – as mentioned above – Zeynep Boz, Representative of Turkey at the 24th meeting of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Commission on the Return of Cultural Resources to the Countries of Origin (ICPRCP)).

«We are not aware of the existence of a document to legalize this purchase made by the British colonialists at that time, so I don’t think there is any place to discuss its legality according to the laws of that time (…). We look forward to celebrating the return of the sculptors wholeheartedly, as we believe it will signal a change in behavior towards the protection of cultural property and will be the strongest message to be sent globally.”, he characteristically remarked Head of the Antiquities Trafficking Department of Turkey, According to Kathimerini.

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