Address of the Minister of Shipping on World Environment Day

Message of the Minister of Shipping and Island Policy Hr. Stylianides on World Environment Day:

“World Environment Day was established by the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) and is celebrated annually on June 5.

This holiday reminds us of the delicate balances for the sustainability of our planet, but also reminds us that its future, like human existence itself, is inextricably linked to protecting the environment.

Especially for Greece, with its many islands and one of the longest coastlines in the world, the marine ecosystem is a source of life and prosperity. So it is our duty and obligation to protect it.

All activities at sea should be developed according to the principle of sustainability of our seas.

In order to promote environmentally friendly shipping, the Ministry of Shipping and Island Policy actively participates in the European Union and the International Maritime Organization (IMO) for the continuous improvement of policies and measures for the protection and prevention of the marine environment. air pollution from ships.

During the discussions, the ultimate goal is the formulation and implementation of ambitious, effective and at the same time realistic environmental measures on a global scale. Measures that serve the sustainability imperative, but are also sufficiently cost-effective and subject to strict safety standards for both the ship itself and the seafarers.

Intensive discussions on the decarbonisation of shipping are of particular importance so that new and future generations can experience the transition to net zero emission shipping in 2050.

At the same time, we promote all important environmental initiatives, such as the action plan to combat the dumping of plastic waste at sea, the debate on the elimination of underwater noise from ships and the demarcation of marine areas as special emission zones.

The most important of these for our Mediterranean neighborhood is the beginning of the designation of the Mediterranean Sea as an emission control zone from May 1, 2025. this means that all ships sailing it will be forced to use very low-sulfur fuels, removing sulfur dioxide from the Mediterranean air.

World Environment Day is not just a day of awareness: it is a powerful reminder that we will continue to work consistently and dedicatedly for the sustainable development of the shipping, marine and gas environment as a debt and legacy to future generations.”

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