A second Caretta Caretta turtle nest was found in Stavros Akrotiri

Second sea turtle nest a mess a mess within a few days Pachia was stationed at Ammos, Stavros at Akrotiri. 1 on Saturdaythe During sunset in June, bathers were surprised to see a sea turtle emerge from the water to lay eggs on the sand. Most likely, due to the presence of people on the shore, the turtle returned to the water.

The next morning, members of the Stavros Environmental Protection Association (S.E.A) found sea turtle tracks in the sand and a nest elsewhere on the beach. They immediately began to fence it off and install protective signs. In the following days, members and supporters of the Association will carry out daily morning patrols on the beaches of Stavros to locate the nests.

Turtles come to the beach late at night or early in the morning and should not be disturbed by noise and lighting. Sea turtle a mess a mess nests 2-3 times during the spawning season, lays an average of 110 eggs in each nest. Eis an endangered species, and scientists estimate that humans and climate change have contributed to it. Their conservation is necessary to ensure the existence of this unique and iconic species.

Some guidelines when visiting sea turtle nesting areas:

– During the spawning season (May-October), we avoid loud noises and bright lighting on the beach.

-We never disturb or touch the turtles and tortoises and take care not to disturb the tranquility that the animal needs.

– We do not put umbrellas and sunbeds near the nests

– We do not use vehicles on the beach

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