Winners of “Dimitris Horn” and “Melina Mercuri” theater awards

See the fresh talents of Greek theater named winners of two awards at a joint ceremony.

The Melina Mercuri and Dimitris Horn theater awards were presented on Monday at a joint ceremony at the Melina Mercuri Foundation in Plaka.

THE Elina RizouThe Anastasis RoilosThe General Fotis and Dimitris Kapouranis are the winners of this year’s compact award for young and young actresses.

Theater Award”Melina Mercurywon by Elina Rizou according to the interpretation of the works”novel» his Giorgos Heimonasdirector Panagiotis Exarchea into Kerameikos Little Theater«The ice cream man is coming» his Eugene O’Neill, director Akyla Karazisi into Proscenium Theatre and “Midnight calls. Some ladies have fun“, a group performance Old RMSdirector Manos Vavadakis into Karolos Koun Frynihou Arts Theatre.

There were joint candidates in the same category Nepheli Maistralisthe Irini Makri and Penelope Tsilica. Also a candidate Nancy Sideris had previously exited the process.

The award is given annually for the best female performance by a young actress of the previous theater season. Honorable mention in his memory Melina takes into account the presence of young talented actors on stage and their acting performances. The prize is 3,000 euros, and the honored actress Melina Mercuri holds the pin for one year, and she hands it over to her chosen colleague the following year.

The award committee consists of: Dio Kagelaris, Matina Kaltakis, Michael Marmarinos, Amalia Moutousi and Reni Pittakis.

Paid The “Dimitris Horn” Award, a cross worn by the actor, passes from one laureate to another every year, accompanied by a parchment. The award is annual and is given for the best performance by a young male actor in the previous theater season. Founded by Theodosius Isaakidis and Stamatis Fasoulis.

The period of the pandemic stopped the activity of the institution, therefore, at the event held this evening, the awards of the previous years were presented: 2019-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023.

The winner of the “Dimitris Horn Award” for the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 seasons is Anastasis Roilos. according to the role Jim O’Connor In Tennessee Williams’ Through the Looking Glass directed by Giorgos Nanouris at the National Theatre. His fellow candidates were Konstantinos Zografos, Dimitris Kitsos, Nikos Manesis and Panos Papadopoulos.

Next title holder Horn for the 2021-2022 season Fotis Stratigos for his role as John in How Expensive to Live his Martina Mayokdirector Thomas Moschopoulos at the Porta Theatre. It was his colleagues Stathis Koikas, Tasos Lekkas, Dimitris Filippidis and Orestes Chalkias.

The third and final awardee with the cross Dimitris Horn That’s it for the 2022-2023 season Dimitris Kapouranis according to their roles Martin/Federikou in The Other Thebes by Sergio Blanco, director Vangelis Theodoropoulosat the New World Theatre. They were his co-candidates Vangelis Daoussis, Panos Zygouros, Vassilis Milionis and Stratis Hatjistamatiou.

Chairman Dimitris Horn Award Committee (2019-2023) Stamatis Fasoulis. Members is a member of the committee Lidia Koniordou, playwright Irini Moutraki and journalists Myrto Loverdou and Antigoni Karalis.

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