The restoration of the ancient theater of Thassos continues

During her visit to the island on Tuesday, an autopsy was performed at the ancient theater of Thassos by Culture Minister Lina Mendoni, accompanied by a group of officials from the Ministry of Culture.

The existence of a theater in Thassos is already confirmed from the 5th century. e.g. in the text “On Epidemics” by the physician Hippocrates. The first phase of the picturesque building dates back to the Hellenistic years, and during the Roman period, serious renovation works were carried out. The first phase of the restoration project, in which the western and partially eastern passages of the monument were restored, was carried out in context. Eastern Macedonia-Thrace Regional Operational Program of NSRF 2007-2013. That hole was restored within the same program of the 2014-2020 financial period.

After the autopsy, the Minister of Culture said:The theater of Thassos is one of the most important ancient monuments not only of the island, but also of Northern Greece. This theater has been associated with the Philippi-Tassos Festival since the 1950s. Today, I was very pleased to see not only the progress of the project, that the first phase has already been completed, but also the excellent quality of the work done. This is one of the best operations performed in ancient theaters. The project will continue as there is still much work to be done. But as the hole is completed, towards the end of the summer there will be a small event to dedicate this phase of the project to the Thasians and the thousands of visitors to the island.”.

In the new Programming Period for 2021-2027, complete restoration projects (orchestra cladding, landscaping, improvement of the firefighting network, modern infrastructure, and electrical installations) are planned for the purpose of full operation of the theater. Foreign affairs. In addition, the Ephorate of Antiquities of Kavala plans to propose new interventions, the restoration of the walls to the east of the theater, the restoration of the foreground and the east aisle, and the strengthening of the stage building.

An autopsy was also conducted in “Palataki”.

Ms. Mendoni also conducted an autopsy in Palataki and the area of ​​mining facilities in Limenaria. The building complex “Palataki” consists of warehouses and housing for workers, while many mining facilities are in a dilapidated state. “Palataki”, especially dominant in Limenaria, is a two-story building of special architectural value built by the German company Speidel, which operated the mines of Thassos in 1903-1904. Until 1912, it housed administrative services and functioned as the Director’s mansion. It was finally abandoned in 1963. It is considered the work of the Italian architect Pietro Arigoni. However, the opinion is justified that it was ultimately designed by the architect Konrad Vilas, who was actively involved in the construction of the metallurgical complex.

During the autopsy, the Minister of Culture requested the competent New Monuments Service to immediately clear and deforest the area and gave instructions to immediately draw up a feasibility study to determine restoration costs and future use. the whole complex.

After the autopsy, Lina Mendoni made this statement:Today we visited Palataki and the wider mining area to see how the state can best highlight the area. What I have found and I have already given appropriate instructions is that immediate rescue measures should be taken to protect the buildings. I have asked the New Monuments Service to prepare a feasibility study and a sustainability study, to see what is the right way to intervene and restore the monument complex, I know the necessary restoration costs and how the state can be all this intervention by the state. to be persistent.

The space is large and if sustainability is not ensured, we run the risk of investing money that will eventually not be used as it should be. We need to ensure that the space can function properly. So we’re still at a very early stage. We will take these two steps and see how to proceed from there. In any case, lost time must be gained. It is clear that these are monuments that should not be lost either for Thasos or for our cultural heritage.”.

Deputy Chief Nikolaos Boras participated in the group of officials of the Ministry of Culture accompanying the Minister of Culture in order to determine measures to protect the area from natural hazards and climate change within the framework of the Memorandum on Cooperation between the Ministry of Culture. Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Defense.

The Minister of Culture also visited the Archaeological Museum of Thasos, which was built in 1935 in the then almost non-existent town of Limenas, next to the Ancient Agora, to store finds from the beginning of the 20th century. In the 19th century, the French Archaeological School was established on the island. Today, the exhibition area covers an area of ​​1500 sq.m.

Its collections provide a historical itinerary of the island from prehistoric times to the Byzantine years. Within the framework of the ongoing Public Museums Certification Program, instructions were given by the Minister to take the necessary measures for the certification of the Museum by the YPPO.

Finally, Minister of Culture Lina Mendoni, MP Angeliki Delikaris and Consul General of the Republic of Cyprus in Thessaloniki Kon. Polykarpou got acquainted with the photo exhibition on “Continuous looting of the cultural heritage of Cyprus in the occupied countries” in the “Kalogeriko” hall.

Lina Mendoni was accompanied by MPs Ioannis Paschalidis and Angeliki Delikaris, mayor Lefteris Kiriakidis, deputy governor of the province for tourism Panagiotis Archontis on her trip to Thassos.

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