The mystery of the dead squads at the municipal deer farm

Concussion and ossified images have caused anxiety Platonius In the Rhodes Municipal Deer Park in the Rodini area, the authorities are looking for the causes and those responsible for the conditions in which the mammals, the symbol of the island, live.

It is recalled that due to this shocking scene witnessed by members of animal protection organizations in mid-March, the General Prosecutor of Plimmeliodiki Rhodes ordered a preliminary examination to investigate the possible commission of animal abuse and dereliction of duty crimes, and the president, Ms. Giula Dimeli from Philozoiki Rhodes, First Instance of Rhodes He knew that he had submitted an indictment to his prosecutor.

So far, officers from the Dodecanese Forestry Directorate have testified, as well as members of Philosophical Rhodes.

The story of the Rhodes deer

The deer population of Rhodes, as explained, dates back to the Neolithic period CNN Greece President of the Rhodes Environmental Protection Association, Dimitris Grigoriadis.

Its scientific name is Dama dama, and it is one of the three deer species of Greece, along with roe deer and red deer.

Although the fossils of the species on the island only reach the Neolithic period, the animal population has no signs of domestication and therefore can now be characterized as local.

In 2005, the Rhodesian platoon was found to be genetically distinct from all other populations of the species and therefore in urgent need of protection.

How the Rodinio Park was created

The toll houses were moved to Rodini Park at a time of drastic population decline. danger with them don’t disappearAs the president of the association noted.

A decline in their numbers was observed in 1987 and 1992, when several deer were burned in two large fires on the island of Rhodes. However, when tourism began to develop on the island, a significant decrease occurred due to the reduction of arable land.

According to Mr. Grigoriadis, “After the big fires in the summer of 2023, the species is no longer at risk of extinction. In other words, deer farming no longer serves the need.”

But as he explains, “because these deer are not free in a closed environment and in the wild, they will not survive if they return to it. They are domesticated, as if they are farm animals, and they will not be able to cope with this work.”

Different approaches to their living

However, approaches to how these deer live on the island are different.

“The community of Soronis has about 1,000 acres of land in the Agios Silas grove, which can be transferred and released at once to gradually gain autonomy,” he said. Association.

The district, on the other hand, recommends the creation of parks where the island’s platoon will be relocated.

“In August 2023, it was announced that the fenced area, the park, will be built, now it has been announced that there will be five areas to be built. According to the information we have, the ministry does not agree with this decision,” he stressed.

“A wild animal cannot survive in captivity and cannot be tamed”

The Rhodes Environmental Protection Association, as well as the island’s animal protection organizations, do not agree with the establishment of deer farms on the island.

“The reasons why we do not agree with the creation of these parks are: firstly, according to the research data of AUTH, it is impossible to collect the deer population of almost 6,000.”

“Basically,” as the Association’s president noted, “the problem with this strategy is trapping an animal that should be living freely in its natural environment.”

THE OFYPEKA (Natural Environment and Climate Change Agency) In a related study, he suggests specific management measures, as Mr. Grigoriadis points out.

“Measures to manage deer without risk, measures to prevent accidents caused by deer, such as adequate marking, compensations to the agricultural world where crops may be damaged by squads, but also measures to protect those crops. Mr. Grigoriadis notes.

In conclusion, the President of the Association emphasizes that trying to tame a free animal meant to live in the wild is not the solution.

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