Consumer Refunds for Plastics and Aluminum

Internal reform recycling During a cabinet meeting chaired by Prime Minister K. Mitsotakis, on Tuesday, Environment and Energy Minister Theodoros Skylakakis notes the draft law of the Ministry of Environment and Energy to modernize waste management. The main pillars of the reform are: implementation of a unified nationwide guarantee system from the end of 2025 … Read more

The first Greek “smart” school without plastic

Agia Anna Kindergarten Euboea Common Seas became the first Greek school to complete the “Plastic Free Smart Schools” program. This is an educational program for elementary school that promotes knowledge and problem solving plastics increasing students’ environmental awareness. Kindergarten children stopped using plastic bottles, plastic cups and plastic bags. “We are proud of the achieved … Read more

“Kicking” the Carbon Footprint of Soccer Balls

From his historic victory Olympiakos In the final of the European Conference League, until Euro 2024 in Germany and Olympic Games in paris ball it is in the center of summer. But while the “round goddess” captivates crowds in stadiums, companies and scientists are trying to save her from the carbon footprint that accompanies her … Read more