Nutrition and hormones: How do they affect?

Let’s start from the beginning: Hormones and diet. Nutrition and hormones. How “close” is their relationship? (It will remain with us until we finish reading: A lot!).

The relationship between hormones and nutrition has been a concern of the scientific community for many years. Some hormones have even been specifically studied for their effects on various physiological functions related to weight control and appetite regulation. The ultimate goal; But of course, a man should be able to balance his much-discussed hormones in such a way that they do not become an obstacle in weight management, whether we are talking about trying to lose weight or gain weight. But before exploring why this relationship is so interesting, it is necessary to remember exactly what hormones are and what their main role is in the human body.

Hormones are chemicals that are produced in the body, circulate in the blood, and regulate the activity of cells and all organs in our body by transmitting signals from one cell to another. They are produced by special glands in the body called endocrine glands, and the more a hormone is produced and present in the blood, the more important the functions it controls become. Their functions and body parts differ according to the type of body they work on, they are very important for the regulation of the overall balance of our body and are involved in many aspects from the regulation of appetite to homeostasis and reproduction.

Diet, therefore, cannot be affected by these actions, especially when some of them are combined with each other. For example: bad moods and increased appetite: can affect food consumption in the long run and keep you away from your goals. I tell you, you can handle them!
But in order to control them, don’t you first need to know them? So what are the main hormones that influence food consumption and how do they work? (Continue!)


It is produced by the cells of the pancreas, and its main role is to mobilize tissues to bind glucose and store it in the cells of the body. That is, when food is consumed and high blood glucose levels are detected, the brain sends a signal to the pancreas to secrete insulin to transport glucose molecules from the blood to the cells. Logically, the higher the blood glucose level, the more insulin is needed to achieve blood sugar metabolism. Interestingly, the same cells have the ability to block the removal of glucose from the bloodstream when levels are low.

What happens when there is an energy surplus, that is, when the body takes in more calories than it needs? Then what is not immediately needed as fuel for energy is stored in the body as fat. But what does insulin have to do with it? When excess energy leads to weight gain, the insulin response begins to malfunction, leading to a vicious cycle in which weight loss becomes significantly more difficult.


To understand the importance of its action, I will only tell you that it is closely related to the thyroid and also to the brain. Its role is to signal that satiety has been achieved and that there is enough fat to reduce or stop food intake. In short, it tells you when you are full and prevents you from overeating. Isn’t becoming everyone’s favorite hormone?

Normally, its amount is proportional to the amount of fat, that is, the lower the percentage of body fat, the less leptin, and therefore the greater the feeling of hunger. Now, for people aiming to lose weight, leptin is the most important ally, because when its levels remain stable, sudden increases in appetite are also prevented.

On the other hand, increased body weight is associated with a condition known as “leptin resistance,” which is why overweight people do not lose appetite or lose weight despite high levels of the hormone.


It is a hormone that is at its highest concentration when the stomach is empty, it seems logical. It “travels” to the hypothalamus to signal the need for food (i.e. does the “reverse” job of leptin). After food is given to the body, its level decreases and remains low for several hours without causing a feeling of hunger. However, it has been observed that its reduction after a meal is much less in obese people than in people of a healthy body weight.

To answer your biggest question: No, there are no specific foods that favor specific hormone function and balance. Rather, hormonal balance is the result of many factors related not only to a balanced diet, but also to an overall healthy lifestyle.

These factors include:

  • Sufficient sleep and difficulty controlling food cravings, which can prevent ghrelin levels from rising, are prerequisites for proper regulation of most of the body’s hormones.
  • Eating foods rich in protein and complex carbohydrates can prolong satiety and keep ghrelin levels lower for longer, and limit foods high in fat.
  • Adequate hydration by consuming water, but also water-rich foods such as whole fruits and vegetables, to delay the release of ghrelin on an empty stomach.
  • Limiting foods high in sugar and fructose (cornstarch syrup) can help reduce ghrelin after a meal.
  • Avoid extreme diets that throw the body out of order and prevent stabilization of the metabolic rate and promote effective weight management.
  • Accepting the form of physical activity as an integral part of everyday life.

Balancing was and is difficult. This is because the term involves many and interdependent factors, and in order to achieve this, you need to consider them all and do your best for them all. After all, what’s the point of balance if not wholeness?

So now that you’ve learned that you don’t need to limit yourself to take care of yourself, it’s time to make yourself a priority more than ever. What do you think;

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