Krinio Nikolaou: Rocket Musician

The performer and composer Krinio Nikolaou was born in Athens and has two brothers. He studied music, plays piano and guitar.

Ms. Nikolaou, when did your love for Music in general and Singing in particular begin?

“From a very young age, at the insistence of my father, who enrolled me at the Athens Conservatory at the age of 6.5, and over the years, I have grown in love with Piano and Music. I was in bands at school until and after my teenage years, but I never thought of singing. But when I started playing the piano in small venues for my own pleasure, I slowly began to sing, and it turned into a need for expression and a love.”

What kind of music did you listen to when you were little?

“My father’s record library definitely had Manos Hadjidakis, Yiannis Spanos, Manos Loizos, Mikis Theodorakis and other great composers of the time and not only that… So those were my listening and my first compositional influences.”

When and with whom was your first collaboration?

“Aristotle Street” with Yiannis Spanos, with whom I played the piano in the early days and sang with him in the music scene he created. “Actually, I didn’t enter the field of art, so it was a dream for me.”

And then how did you develop? Was the road easy? Did the doors open?

“After Yannis Spanos, I would say the offers from heaven came from Kostas Hatzis and then from Vassilis Papakonstantinou. “I was still living a dream because the collaborations along the way were so instantaneous and so beautiful that I couldn’t grasp every moment I was living.”

Is it easier for new artists to get exposure through the internet and talent shows now, or do they have to rely on the “acquaintances” they used to have?

“Yes, I believe that it was and is, there is a need for familiarity or the so-called “click”, unfortunately, the artist… However, it is also true that the Internet and talent shows help him to be recognized and promote his creativity, but then it takes a lot of effort to maintain and stay at a good level.”

When did you start writing your own lyrics and what was your first full song?

“I was writing some scattered verses that I never finished, but the moment also came when I wrote 4 full songs, lyrics and music, on the previous digital album Just Look at Me” .

When did you set your first personal record?

In 1998 under the name “Kiss and Slap” in Minos-EMI company. The beautiful Dimitris Mitropanos sang with me on one of my songs “To Hatiri”.

Is there solidarity in your area? Friendships? Or are they pulling the rug from under their feet?

“In general, I have had very good collaborations. But although I believe in the expression “always look forward”, I realized that in some cases, to avoid treacherous behavior, it is necessary to look behind everywhere.

Does the musician make a living from his work alone? Especially the new ones…

“It’s hard. Entrepreneurs think their venues can survive, not that it’s wrong, but when it’s at the expense of artists, yes, it’s a big mistake! So most musicians make sure they have other main jobs to survive.”

What is your newest song?

“The most recent presentation I gave was about 1.5 months ago called ‘My Kisses’, lyrics by Nicholas Tsiorvas.”

How do you see the development of Greek music today?

“Rap, trap, etc. it’s a bit mixed with musical genres. and not only that, I believe that there will always be very good songwriters and very good songs, and I hope that they will have the opportunity to stand out.”

Is the government helping your industry or does it belong to some “beneficiaries”?

“Not so much. “Unfortunately, there will always be people who are favored in all sectors.”

The personal cost to develop is huge. Is it worth paying for?

“If I judge it personally, yes, because it is more valuable to go forward with your weapons, your beliefs and above all your dignity, because in the long run it will always be the light that will guide you.”

You also play tennis. Do you participate in tournaments? Do you have time;

“I always find time to do this, because it has been my great need for physical rest and mental balance for many years.”

You love animals too…

“I never remember not having a four-legged friend with me. My father used to bring puppies to the house from a young age so that we would grow up to a certain age and take care of his business area. I got my first dog when I was 16. Currently, I have a four-legged family of three people.

What do you do to relax after a busy day?

“Cinema, theatre, running with my dogs and when I’m at home in my little home studio or in the garden.”

Your motto for challenges?

“Challenges are for testing your strength, not for giving up, we’re all better when it’s easy. In difficult moments, your value is important.”

And what does Crinio value, what does he hate, what does he fear?

“He appreciates the power and truth of people… He hates the “smallness” of people, lies, and violence. He is afraid of hypocrisy.”

Are you making something new?

“A new song. I believe that I will present it soon.”


The performer and composer Krinio Nikolaou was born in Athens and has two brothers. He studied music, plays piano and guitar. It’s impossible not to be moved by his voice and presence. He successfully edited many programs on the occasion of taking over the music directorship of the 96.5 radio station of the “ALFA” group. Although she is not against single-parent families, she believes that in order to raise a child, you need to have a partner with whom you can be loved. He never “compromised” for his career. On the nights he has a live show, he gets to the venue early and has a good time with the musicians who will start their sets with each other before going on stage.

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