Is it worth adding collagen to coffee?

Collagen is the most abundant protein in our body, but we’ve known this for a long time. Taking collagen supplements, on the other hand, is a newer business and there is still a lot of information to be sifted through. One of them is adding collagen to coffee or any hot drink. Some believe that the high temperature can affect its benefits, while others argue that it does not offer a more nutritious drink. So what does adding collagen to your coffee really mean and what are the potential benefits?

Can you add collagen to coffee?

Let’s start by debunking the myth that you can’t put collagen in coffee and any hot drink. Of course, if you are using a high quality collagen powder, the collagen will not be affected. High quality collagen peptide powder is temperature resistant. However, collagen cannot be completely destroyed. Really high, prolonged temperatures can be the culprit for denaturation. In particular, collagen can withstand temperatures of about 200 degrees Celsius. Anything hotter than that for an extended period of time can potentially damage the integrity of the protein.

Since your morning coffee is about 100 degrees Celsius at its boiling point, don’t worry about collagen breakdown. Also, the peptide bonds that hold the amino acids together in collagen peptides are eventually broken down by your body anyway. So, if the molecular structure of collagen is slightly disturbed at higher temperatures, this is good. In any case, you have to actually break down proteins into peptides and amino acids in order to absorb them into your gut.

Why is collagen added to coffee?

Adding a collagen supplement to coffee has three potential benefits.

It can improve your skin

Given that our bodies produce less collagen as we age, we can understand that it also affects the skin’s elasticity and hydration, which can lead to wrinkles. Collagen supplements can prevent this process. A study found that oral collagen supplementation increased skin elasticity, hydration, and collagen density. It should be noted that taking collagen orally produces greater results than collagen creams! Thus, adding collagen to coffee can help reduce signs of aging such as wrinkles and dryness.

It can reduce joint pain

The cartilage that surrounds our joints is made up of collagen fibers. As we age, along with the decline in collagen levels in our skin, structural changes occur in the cartilage throughout our body. This can cause joint pain due to arthritis in some cases. Some studies showed that taking a collagen supplement could improve joint pain symptoms caused by arthritis.

May prevent bone loss with aging

Our bones are also composed of collagen protein fibers. As collagen production declines with age, bone mass slowly declines, potentially leading to bone disease. osteoporosis. Some studies showed that collagen supplements can help prevent bone breakdown and related diseases.

Should we all be taking collagen?

No, collagen is not necessary for all of us. If you have joint pain or want to improve your skin health, or if you are elderly and suffer from osteoporosis, yes, you may benefit from adding collagen to your drink. Collagen also plays a role in the health of hair and nails. Those experiencing thinning or brittle nails may want to consider incorporating collagen into their routine. Athletes who want to support the recovery process and maintain healthy connective tissues may also find collagen intake beneficial.

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