Experts warn that unpasteurized milk can spread bird flu

What happened to mice fed small amounts of milk contaminated with the H5N1 virus.

US scientists warn that the virus that causes bird flu can easily infect us if we consume unpasteurized milk.

They discovered this in their research on mice a few drops contaminated, unpasteurized milk was enough to make animals sick.

Bird flu has been a headache for scientists in recent years because A new strain of the H5N1 virus has mastered the ability to do it pollutes not only wild and domesticated birds but also and mammals.

This strain was first detected in Europe at the end of 2020. Now it has spread all over the world (even to Antarctica). We have established our presence in the last two months and in US dairy cows.

For years, experts have recommended avoiding unpasteurized milk because it can contain dangerous germs. The new findings are one more reason to follow this recommendation and stop the habit of consuming milk, as is the case in many villages.

New findings Published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Scientists from Wisconsin-Madison and Texas A&M University gave five mice a few drops of milk contaminated with the H5N1 virus.

From the very first day, rodents showed signs of illness (for example, lethargy). Researchers found high levels of the virus in their noses and lungs. They also had low to moderate levels in other organs. These findings are similar to those observed in other mammals with avian influenza.

Continuous checks on milk and meat products

The H5N1 virus strain in question has killed an unprecedented number of wild birds and mammals around the world. It has affected everything from penguins and seals to mink and cats.

It appears to be widespread in US dairy cows. His participation is at least officially confirmed 63 herds in nine US states.

Inspections by American authorities, however they discovered traces of genetic material 20% of dairy products in 17 US states. These products include milk, cheese, yogurt, etc.

Plus traces of his genetic material it was also found in the meat of sick cows. The first samples were negative, but as the tests continued, positive samples were also found.

That’s the difference genetic material of the virus in pasteurized milk this was the case with pasteurized milk products inactive. Meat from sick animals is rejected and does not enter the food chain.

nation anyway they are also infected by direct contact with sick animals. This is proven by the case of two farm workers infected by sick cows. One works in Texas and the other in Michigan. Both showed mild symptoms

Before people get sick, they were infected from unpasteurized milk cats in some farms. According to the American authorities, more than half of the cats who drank raw milk died.

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