Dithyramboi, for the youth festival of ancient theater in Sicily

Syracuse, a province of Sicily with a strong Greek flavor for its theaters, the famous Syracuse of the 5th century. BC, but also of the archaeological park in Acres, dating back to the 3rd century. BC is in the news for a Classical Theater Festival for Youth award from the European Union for showcasing its “European cultural heritage”.

This quintessentially children’s festival is the offspring of the famous Festival of Classical Tragedies and Comedies held every summer at noon at the Syracuse theater, where it’s especially hot (and, admittedly, seeing the plays). , an unforgettable experience).

Performances of ancient Greek plays by young troupes in Acres began in 1991 as part of a program drawn up by the Italian National Institute of Ancient Drama (INDA). According to Corriere della Sera, more than 50,000 students have passed through it over the years.

Initially, children’s performances were held every two years, but since 2000, the festival has been held every year. The initiators of the whole project at INDA say that the Italian and foreign young people who participate live and transmit the fundamental values ​​of classical culture.

Commissioner for Culture of the Commission, Bulgarian economist Iliana Ivanovna congratulated Italy for the organization: “I heartily congratulate this year’s winners for their excellent results. The European Heritage Awards and the Europa Nostra Awards highlight the crucial role of exemplary projects and individuals committed to preserving and promoting our rich heritage.”

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