Caffeine is part of the daily diet of US teenagers, say 1 in 4 parents

Two in five parents say their teenage children consume caffeine most or all days of the week.

One in four parents in the US reports caffeine According to a survey by the University of Michigan’s CSMott Children’s Hospital, it’s part of her teenage child’s daily diet.

THE request It was made last February and is based on 1095 parent responses those with teenage children 13-18 years old.

The light drinks is the most caffeinated product for teenagers, tea and coffee is the second most popular source of caffeine, with less than 25% of parents saying their teen consumes energy drinks.

Two out of five parents with teenage children consume caffeine most or all days of the week, say it’s because their favorite product is in it, and 23% say it’s because their peers are drinking. Fewer parents believe their child drinks caffeine to help them stay awake during the school day, manage their morning start, study or focus.

Teens can become addicted to caffeine

It is the most common place where teenagers consume caffeine home followed by eating out. Only a third of teenagers consume caffeine with friends and a quarter during school.

60% of parents say they have heard about the dangers of products with high caffeine content. However, one-third do not know the recommended caffeine limits, and nearly half say they rarely check the caffeine content of their teen purchases.

«Teens’ brains are still developing, and too much caffeine can affect their mood, sleep, and school performance, among other side effects. Like other drugs, they can become addictive over time“, says Susan Woolford, co-director of the survey and a pediatrician at the hospital.

According to the US Food and Drug Administration, 400 milligrams (mg) of caffeine per day for healthy adults generally not associated with dangerous effects. However, it has not published guidelines for teenagers due to insufficient data.

The American Academy of Pediatrics prohibits caffeine intake by children and adolescents, while other experts suggest a limit of 100 milligrams per day day for teenagers.

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