4 reasons, 4 types and what we can do now

Carelessness is not paying due attention to something

Carelessness is not paying due attention to something. We can neglect many different things in different ways and at different times – our bodies, our cars, our homes, our gardens, our work, etc. Carelessness is corrosive and its impact is profound. It can even change our lives.

But what happens when a parent neglects their child? How does this happen and what is the result?

4 reasons why carelessness can happen

Personal challenges: Many parents in this world struggle to keep their heads above water. They may have physical or mental health problems of their own, or major responsibilities such as caring for elderly parents or a disabled or ill family member. Whatever the reason, these parents are usually drained of energy and struggle to meet their children’s needs.

Economic problems: Some may work long hours or multiple jobs to make ends meet. These parents are unable to properly care for their children due to anxiety. On the other hand, some parents may be business minded and put their careers ahead of their children.

Lack of knowledge: Some parents do not know what their child needs to survive and thrive. Unfortunately, childcare is not something that is formally taught. Everyone learns from what they see and experience as children… and when the parenting model they see from their parents is less than ideal, they miss out on a basic education.

Education: When you grow up with certain rules, values, expectations, and beliefs, you are more likely to maintain the same rules, values, expectations, and beliefs with your children. Because of this, it is easy to pass on useless and even harmful life habits to the next generation. No internal work, e.g. treatment, samples continue automatically.

The above reasons for possible neglect of a child do not necessarily justify neglect, but they can explain it. Problems, health, pain, standards and ignorance are the real reasons some parents fail with their children.

whom indifference is what doesn’t happen, it is hard to find. Thinking about how you were neglected can help you truly understand what you didn’t get as a child.

4 types of neglect

Neglect of physical needs: This is what people usually think of when they hear the term “indifference.” Vital things like food, shelter, clothing and hygiene are not provided when a parent neglects the physical needs of their child. Because these things are visible, people can see this kind of indifference. Teachers, doctors, family or friends can intervene. As adults, those with a history of physical neglect may struggle to eat healthily or lack the self-care strategies to properly care for themselves physically.

Neglect of physical presence: When a child’s parents are absent body and soul from their lives, children are left alone. These neglected children are often alone, lonely and very independent. In adulthood, they may continue to feel the same loneliness and find it difficult to ask others for help because they have been used to meeting their own needs for too long.

Not communicating: Research shows that verbal interaction between parent and child is key to child development. A study in the journal Developmental Psychology found that children who communicated more verbally with their parents had less anxious, aggressive, and disobedient behaviors and had greater cognitive development. Children who experience this level of neglect in adulthood may feel lonely and restless, and have difficulty managing and expressing their emotions.

Emotional neglect: Emotional neglect occurs when parents do not adequately recognize, notice, respond to, or validate their child’s feelings. In fact, a child growing up in such an environment has no place for his emotions, so he adaptively blocks his emotions to adapt to his environment. An emotionally neglected child of adulthood may have great difficulty recognizing, understanding, and expressing his feelings. He may feel insignificant, different, alone, empty and dissatisfied with life.

What can we do here and now?

Let’s explore how apathy affects your life.

Maybe you grew up in a good home and never worried about when your next meal would be. Then again, you may have had parents who didn’t reciprocate your feelings—they weren’t there when you were bullied, during your first heartbreak, when you struggled with studies, or when you lost a pet or a grandparent. or grandparents.

Conversely, you may have a parent who is rarely home and struggles with whatever they struggle with. But regardless of their absence, you felt deeply loved and cared for—your relationship with your parent or parents had emotional content, depth, warmth, and resonance. Physical neglect without emotional neglect may be less harmful than pure physical and/or emotional neglect.

So, what did you miss as a child? What are the things you get? Do you still miss the same things as an adult? If you are a parent today, are you giving your children what you didn’t get? Or are you repeating the same mistakes unknowingly?

The amazing thing about carelessness is that it can be reversed. When you start eating nutritious food, your health improves. When you start tending your garden, your flowers bloom. When you start giving yourself the physical and emotional care you’ve been missing, you feel seen, loved, and recognized.

Give yourself what your parents couldn’t. And better yet, give your children what your parents couldn’t give you.

You can’t change the past, but you can change the present. And it will change the future.

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