A selected anthology of folk songs of Love, Marriage, Homeland, Sea and Sailors
The musical meeting of Stella Konitopoulos with Vasiliki Karakosta on the musical stage of traditional song will be premiered at the 6th Delphi Festival “To Lalon Ydor” starting from Eratini on Tuesday, August 6, 21:15 with free admission.
THE Stella KonitopoulosThe leading and world-loved performer of the island song, a living continuation of the name and history of the oldest musical family of the Aegean, is on stage Vasiliki KarakostaCharismatic performer of the new generation who perfectly cooperates in the field of modern and traditional songs (D. Savvopoulos, N. Portokaloglou, Petroloukas Chalkias, Studiandina N. Ionias Volos and so on.).
Two great singers join their voices and perform with knowledge and respect the songs of a rich and colorful traditional creation with their well-known experimental expressions.
From the Aegean islands and Crete to the unforgettable homelands of Epirus, Thrace and Asia Minor and Ponta, love, marriage, alienation, the sea and sailors, etc. cut the musical map of Hellenism. a selected anthology of folk songs.
The program also includes the great and timeless “island women” hits from his major record collaborations Stella Konitopoulou, with famous contemporary Greek creators as well as a selection of pointers from his discography Vasiliki Karakostaswith modern repertoire and arrangements of classical songs of various musical origins (primitive, rebetika, etc.).
A special artistic encounter with the vitality and beauty of our timeless musical culture, with the feminine scent created by the inventive “dialogue” of land and sea.
Together with them, there is an excellent 6-member orchestra consisting of musicians distinguished by the clear, natural sound of traditional musical instruments (violin, clarinet, flute, lute, bouzouki, guitar, double bass, tubeleki, tambourine, etc.). ), their skills and passions achieve a remarkable variety of music and dance alternatives. Performs composition and artistic editing of the program Vassilis I. Economou.